
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ultra Marathons....a whole new world

As I close in to firmly commit to my latest endeavor, the ultra marathon, I am coming to grips with a few things.  First of all, this is a whole new world entirely.  I have found over the past several years of running half-marathons and marathons, that runners are a odd, but likable bunch for the most part.  There is an understood camaraderie that comes with being a "runner".  You are accepted whether you are an elite or not.  Ryan Hall may be able to run circles around me in a marathon, but at the end of the day, we still cover the same 26.2 miles.  There is something to be said for that.  Additionally, there is an understood with the training, racing, pacing, etc.  Everyone sort of knows the routine.  With Ultra marathons I am entering uncharted territory.  Instead of one long run per week, you do two long runs on consecutive days.  There are new "rules" like....walk up every hill and run down every hill.....use a 20 minute run/5 minute walk or 5 minute run/1 minute walk routine.  Also, Ultras seem to be more about finishing and less about time (which is good for me).  Next there is the whole support crew aspect.  Apparently the crews are allowed to meet you on the course and bring you food, cloths etc.  There are also bag drops on course to allow you to resupply during the run.  Finally, you win a belt buckle?  This seems to be the award for all the Ultras....what is up with that?

I am about 2 weeks away from when my Ultra training plan would need to begin.  I need to search far and wide to make sure that I have this in me.  I would like to compete participate in the Ice Age Ultra Marathon in La Grange, WI on May 14.  The training plan is 24 weeks and you can take a look at it here.  The training peaks at 75 miles/week, which seems doable, but daunting.  I will use my marathons that I am training for as training runs, so the timing of those should work out wonderfully.  By my calculations, worse case scenario is that I average 14 minute miles.....that puts me at finishing still under the 12 hour mark.  If I set out on this endeavor, however, I do not want to fail.  50 that seems like a lot.  I would love to see if I have it in me though.  From a physical standpoint, I have no doubt.  God has made the human body to be incredibly resilient.  My concern is the mental aspect.  I will need to really up the cross training and especially stretching as I start inching towards 75 miles/week.  My body has never seen that kind of mileage and I imagine it will be hard on it.  I guess we will see......

Weekly mileage thus far = 8 miles

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