
Monday, October 25, 2010

Good food for running....

I watched an interesting documentary this week....Food, Inc.  If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it.  It basically explores the food industry and uncovers how corporate america has changed (and not necessarily for the better) what we are eating and how it gets to our table.  First of all let me state that I am normally not one to get caught up in the "Corporate America is bad" debate.  I work in Corporate America and while I can admit it is not perfect, it is not a bad system.  I also have to say that I have been against the "Organic craze" since inception.  I mostly felt (notice past tense) it was a marketing ploy.  This movie did open my eyes though.....I have to admit.  I am not going to go into excruciating detail about it, but a few things stick out.  First of all the corporate farms are giving the chickens so many growth hormones that they grow to double the weight of a normal chicken in 1/3 of the amount of time.  They grow so big that they cannot even walk more than a couple of steps without falling down.  Tomatoes we can now get year 'round...this is because they are picked in Mexico or South America when green and ripened with a chemical.  This is not natural.  Oh, also, they fatten up cattle with corn (which are natural grass eaters) because it gets them bigger, but one of the side effects is it helps with the development of deadly ecoli.  You really should watch this movie.  I am not completely sold just yet, but plan to research this all a little more.

My wife and I do like to support local farmers and enjoy strolling through a farmer's market to purchase produce.  I am giving serious consideration to joining a CSA or trying a company Orlando Organics to get produce.  My brother-in-law and sister have been quite pleased with their CSA in Wisconsin.  It has forced them (willingly) to branch-out foodwise.  Not to mention the support of local farmers and having freshest food around.  Anyway now I will get off of my soapbox.

My long run on Saturday went off without a hitch.  Did 14 miles and averaged 10:15 pace according to my Garmin.  Actually a little faster than I should have gone for a long run (want to be 1:30-2:00 slower than marathon race pace), but wasn't too bad off.  I did not get to try my compression leggings due to me not realizing that when I ordered they were not sold in pairs, but as single items.  I ordered the matching one and should have them both to try for this week.

This week is a recovery week as I have been building mileage for 3 weeks.  I do a cycle, right now, where I build mileage for three weeks and then scale back to recover.  I will do this until I get into weeks where I have long runs over 20 miles.  Then I will do every other.

Today only a 2 mile easy run (recovery) and I will lift and do core work tonight.

Last week's mileage = 26 miles

Mileage today = 2 miles
Total mileage this week = 2 miles

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